Hip Anatomy and Hip Openers

With Chris Dunphy and Karen Andersen

We spend the majority of our days sitting. Over time this postural habit pattern shortens the hip flexors at the front of the hips, does the same to the muscles in the back of the legs and tightens the hip rotators. This combination of short and tight musculature can lead to mild or severe discomfort and often injury. Given the pelvis’ location in the middle of the body, imbalances in this area can radiate pain up our back and/or down our legs.

In this workshop we will explore the anatomy and function of the hip joint and apply it intelligently to our posture practice, specifically to a grouping of poses more commonly known as “hip openers”. We will also offer guidance in modifying and using props where appropriate.

This workshop is suitable for those who have a basic experience with “hip openers” but want to refine their practice.


Date: Saturday March 2nd, 2019

Time: 10:45am - 11:45am


Use one visit from your membership / yoga pass* or
$17.50 + tax


Chris Dunphy

Chris Dunphy is co-owner of Kushala Yoga, and co-director of their Teacher Training Program

Chris is a yogi, father, husband, student, hockey player, gardener and outdoor enthusiast. Chris spent his younger years either on the ice, the field or on the track. The high point of his athletic career was a gold medal at the Canadian junior championships in the decathlon, a gruelling 10 event discipline that spans over 2 days. After Chris retired from competitive athletics he started work in the finance industry. After 8 years... Read more

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