Skillful Alignment of Standing Postures

With Karen Andersen and Chris Dunphy

The benefits of a regular and mindful posture practice are numerous and widely accepted by both Eastern and Western health sciences. What is often beneficial and safe for one practitioner may not be suitable for another. This course will help you cultivate a standing posture practice that supports your unique physical alignment needs, with confidence.

The focus will be on standing postures. The learning goals are:

  • Posture as a process
  • Aspects of foundation
  • Spinal alignment and support
  • Muscular integration and extension

This workshop is suitable for those who have a basic experience with common standing postures but want to refine their practice.


Date: Friday March 1st, 2019

Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm


Use one visit from your membership / yoga pass* or
$17.50 + tax


Karen Andersen

Karen Andersen is co-owner of Kushala Yoga, and co-director of their Teacher Training Program

Karen is known to be a yoga teacher, mother, wife, software developer, student, swimmer, kitchen bandit, and lover of Earth. She is grateful for all the opportunities life has presented and continues to explore the possibilities it presents.

During her twenties, she served as Director of Technology of a SaaS provider for the car rental industry. She first turned to yoga to help restore from the mental exhaustion of long,... Read more

Chris Dunphy

Chris Dunphy is co-owner of Kushala Yoga, and co-director of their Teacher Training Program

Chris is a yogi, father, husband, student, hockey player, gardener and outdoor enthusiast. Chris spent his younger years either on the ice, the field or on the track. The high point of his athletic career was a gold medal at the Canadian junior championships in the decathlon, a gruelling 10 event discipline that spans over 2 days. After Chris retired from competitive athletics he started work in the finance industry. After 8 years... Read more

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